Zidoo released a new beta firmware for their model Zidoo UHD3000 via OTA.

As always, use it at your own risk!
Zidoo UHD3000 Firmware Download
SINCE V6.3.55 1. Fixed the problem that some users meet unknown error when opening NFS. 2. Added Youtube trailer function on the Poster Wall. 3. Optimized the problem that forced subtitles will not be set automatically for some languages. 4. Fixed the issue that the cover is not displayed in the music details interface of Zidoo Controller cell phone app. 5. Fixed the abnormal song information display problem in the music details interface of Zidoo Controller cell phone app. 6. Optimized the automatic frame rate function of Blu-ray menu. 7. Modified the problem that no data in custom classification of Zidoo Controlller HD iPad app. 8. Added a reminder in the music player that unsupported audio format cannot be played. 9. Optimized the default poster loading image on Poster Wall. 10. Fixed the crash problem for searched songs in Music Player. 11. Albums without songs are filtered when searching in Music Player. SINCE V6.3.50 System 1. Added digital signage mode function. 2. Online picture display is optimized in Image Player. 3. Fixed the problem that some cloud NAS cannot obtain the sharing name normally. 4. Optimized unknown error popup message in some NAS devices. 5. Optimized forced subtitles. 6. Optimized system stability. Home Theater 1. Added TV show name in the details interface. 2. Optimized actors data acquisition. 3. Optimized the speed of local image acquisition. 4. Optimized the problem that the mobile phone cannot get the poster data occasionally. 5. Optimized the display of some interfaces. 6. Optimized the problem that corner icon doesn't display in Display Setting> Poster View. 7. Fixed the problem that the Blu-ray logo is not recognized when refreshing. 8. Optimized the function to play video by shortcut key. 9. Optimized incorrect focus in the details interface occasionally. 10. Optimized movie information refreshing function in the detail interface. 11. Fixed the problem that the local trailer on/off switch is not displayed. 12. Optimized MPEG and H264 icon display. 13. Optimized the application stability. Music Player 1. Fixed the problem that adding songs into favorites is invalid in the playback queue. 2. Optimized the the mobile APP interface of favorites in Zidoo Controller. 3. Optimized the focus logic of the play queue. 4. Optimized the playlist adding function. 5. Fixed the problem that removed songs are displayed again occasionally when a large number of songs are removed in batch. 6. Fixed the problem that playback queue in mobile phone app does not display song information when playing UPNP songs. 7. Fixed the problem that next song cannot be normally played after rematching SACD. 8. Optimized the playback record function. 9. Fixed scanning abnormalities problem after UPNP rescans for several times. File Manager 1. Optimized SMB mount. 2. Optimized the interface display. 3. Fixed scanning abnormalities problem after UPNP rescans for several times. Quick Setting 1. Added digital signage mode setting.