Guide: Access your Zidoo Player from Windows 10

At home I’ve two PCs running with Windows 10 20H2. One for working and gaming, the other as server. The working/gaming PC is succesfull connected to the Zidoo Z9S, the server is not.

In this short guide I’ll show you how I successfully connected my server to the Zidoo Z9S.

On my router I’ve assigned zidoo-z9s as network name for the Zidoo Z9S.

In my guide How to update OpenWRT and setup Network Shares I show you how to setup the internal storage as Network Share.

Open Windows Explorer


try to map as network drive in Windows cmd

NET USE Z: \zidoo-z9s\mmcblk0p2\media\0

in my case the behaviour is caused by this registry setting

delete the key AllowInsecureGuestAuth or change the value to 1

reboot or restart the service LanmanWorkstartion

sc stop LanmanWorkstation
sc start LanmanWorkstation

Open Windows Explorer


try to map as network drive in Windows cmd

NET USE Z: \zidoo-z9s\mmcblk0p2\media\0


1 thought on “Guide: Access your Zidoo Player from Windows 10”

  1. Hi,
    i just purchase a z1000 pro, and it’s a night mare. I place a 4Tb inside the z1000 (ext4 formated).

    I just want to acces the z1000 pro hard drive FROM my PC to place and organize my video: I CAN’T

    The question is simple as it is !

    I upgrade the firmware from 6.027 to 6.046_G

    Zidoo NasKit once installed says : Not ROOT no root permission…

    Onkey root installed: start Root – spin and says Root fails !!

    So is ther a simple way to acces the z1000 pro hard drive From my pc ???

    I do thank you for your help (two days lost with this nightmare !)


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