
McBluna’s Home Theater DB Tool v2.2.2

Version 2.2.2 of my Home Theater DB Tool is ready for download.


– FileChooser for Excel export always change/add extension to .xlsx
– FileChooser for XML export always change/add extension to .xml
– fixed error output from command line parser
– updated front end library flatlaf 1.5➛1.6

A special thanks goes to Zwanzig for providing a translation for Polish.

McBluna’s Home Theater DB Tool v2.1.3

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McBluna’s Home Theater DB Tool v2.2.1

Version 2.2.1 of my Home Theater DB Tool is ready for download.

– fixed bug causing corrupt Excel file
– fixed bug causing corrupt XML file

– added support for Database Schema Version 32
– updated language bundle for Polish

A special thanks goes to Zwanzig for providing a translation for Polish.

McBluna’s Home Theater DB Tool v2.1.3

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McBluna’s Home Theater DB Tool v2.1.3

Version 2.1.3 of my Home Theater DB Tool is ready for download.

– fixed bugs introduced by code cleanup
– fixed missing output from command line parser in GUI mode
– fixed bug causing text in logging Window to be misplaced
– modified log level of several functions
– fixed bug causing GUI to freeze
– enhanced trace level for GUI
– added timestamp to console/GUI log output

A special thanks goes to Zwanzig for providing a translation for Polish.

McBluna’s Home Theater DB Tool v2.1.3

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