Quick Navigation:

- Added a power button mode setting.
- Added a screen-off notification for the system screensaver.
- Optimized the subwoofer port crossover frequency setting.
- Fixed an occasional issue where the subwoofer port delay did not take effect.
- Fixed an occasional issue where the sampling rate display was incorrect for optical output.
- Added volume adjustment for optical output after optical input is connected.
- Optimized the volume passthrough function.
- Fixed an occasional popping sound issue when switching the subwoofer port.
- Fixed an occasional popping sound issue when powering off.
- Added a battery level indicator for the Bluetooth remote control.
- Added display of the current track name for Internet radio.
- Optimized stream quality settings for TuneIn Radio.
- Optimized gapless playback for CDs.
- Added a music genre preset feature for the PEQ.
- Optimized KKBOX login functionality.
- Added a theme switch notification for playback details.
- Fixed an occasional display issue on the small screen.
- Optimized system stability.
v1.3.45 to v1.3.62
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v1.3.50 to v1.3.62
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v1.3.60 to v1.3.62
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- Optimized UI operation during playback to resolve occasional playback stuttering issues.
- Improved the functionality of adding music from music services to local playlists.
- Enhanced the M3U playlist import function.
- Optimized the global search functionality.
- Added Power Key Mode Settings.
- Added Off-Screen Notification.
- Improved the volume passthrough feature.
- Enhanced gapless CD playback functionality.
- Optimized the issue where the playback queue couldn’t insert other tracks during CD playback.
- Added PEQ Music Genre Preset Feature.
- Added Playback Details Theme Switch Notification.
- Fixed the occasional crash when opening the more menu in the music library list.
- Optimized the music service editing functionality.
- Improved EMBY playback performance.
- Resolved the lagging issue when switching in the settings interface.
- Optimized podcast functionality.
- Optimized occasional issues with USB DAC volume passthrough not switching correctly.
- Fixed the issue where some UPNP devices couldn’t retrieve data.
- Addressed the issue of duplicate UPNP devices being scanned.
- Apple Music Global Search Feature.
- Added Podcast Global Search Feature
- Enhanced the clear playback queue feature.
- Improved gapless playback for online music services.
- Added An Automatic Input Source Switching Feature.
- Added search file names in the local music library function.
- Fixed the occasional app crash issue when sliding through the file manager SMB scan list.
- Added cover display feature for music library folders.
- Added sorting feature for music library folders.
- Optimized the remote control switch play mode feature.
- Optimized the skip track feature for albums, playlists, and folders.
- Added the shuffle playfeature to the music library.
- Optimized system stability.
- Optimized the TuneIn Radio account login process.
- Optimized occasional issues with TuneIn Radio failing to retrieve data.
- Optiomized occasional display issues with KKBOX interface.
- Added TuneIn Radio Global Search Feature
- Optiomized the occasional track skipping issue in Radio Paradise.
- Display Track Name While Playing Radio
- Optimized TuneIn Radio stream quality settings.
- Improved KKBOX login functionality.
- Added Presto Music Service.
- Optimized the process for modifying artist names and refreshing Internet radio data.
- Added Laut.fm music service function.
New function
- Added room correction feature.
- Added ARC TV remote mute function.
- Optimized the occasional delay in activating the DSP startup function.
- Optimized DSP high-pass and low-pass filter and compression settings.
- Optimized the display of FIR curves.
v1.3.62 to v1.3.80
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- Fixed the occasional crash issue on the main interface when starting up.
- Fixed the occasional failure issue with CD Ripper.
- Fixed the issue where the UPNP song list is not displayed completely.
- Fixed the occasional login error issue with WebDav.
- Optimized the local library re-scan function.
- Added a switch to merge the same album during local music scanning.
- Optimized the occasional incomplete display of composer and genre albums.
- Optimized the artist cover loading function.
- Optimized the music library collection feature.
- Optimized the occasional automatic line break display issue in lyrics.
- Added a countdown reminder switch for automatic screen off.
- Added a setting to control whether the screen lights up when adjusting the volume in screen-off mode.
- Optimized the CD eject function.
- Added a feature to locate the currently playing track in the play queue.
- Added the ability to add UPNP and WebDAV devices to the music library.
- Fixed the occasional issue where WebDav only shows 50 folders in the list.
- Added a setting to ignore certain characters during music library scanning.
- Optimized the issue where the list sometimes automatically scrolls to the top after changing the sorting order in the music library.
- Optimized the album skip track function.
- Optimized system stability.
- Added Laut.fm genre left-side letter navigation feature.
- Added Laut.fm global collection feature.
- Added more operations for Presto Music track list.
- Fixed the occasional automatic logout issue with TuneIn.
- Added more operations for KKBox Music track list.
- Added more operations for SoundCloud track list.
- Added SSL streaming functionality for Internet radio playback.
- Optimized the display of artist data on TIDAL.
- Added knob angle adjustment.
- Optimized the crossover point settings for the subwoofer.
- Optimized the UI display for the knob screen.
Mobile Control APP:
- Added lyrics feature in the playback details.
- Added a one-click return to the main interface feature.
- Optimized the display of artist data on TIDAL.
- Optimized the streaming service search function.
- Added the ability to add UPNP and WebDAV devices to the music library.
- Optimized Internet radio display.
- Optimized the playback details interface display.
- Optimized the screensaver settings function.
v1.3.67 to v1.4.01
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v1.3.80 to v1.4.01
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