tinyMediaManager is a media management tool written in Java/Swing. It is written to provide metadata for the Kodi Media Center (formerly known as XBMC), MediaPortal and Plex media server. Due to the fact that it is written in Java, tinyMediaManager will run on Windows, Linux and macOS (and possible more OS).

Build date

Version 5.1.2 ======================= + [yt-dlp] added support for passing cookies into yt-dlp #2841 You can extract your cookies from a browser and pass them to yt-dlp. More infos at #2841 and on our homepage + [Exporter] the copyArtwork renderer will fall back to the image cache if the original image is not available + [Java] updated/change the Java runtime to Jetbrains JBR 21.0.6 + [UI] added an option to specify how file sizes are calculated (MB vs. MiB/GB vs. GiB) #2675 x [TV shows] fixed saving of episodes in the TV show/episode bulk editor #2857 x [UI] removed Inter font from deployment #2842 #2852 #2854 You can install the font system wide if you still want to use it x [UI] many enhancements to focus-management and focus traversal #2829 x [UI] added hotkey CTRL+SHIFT+E to edit current selected row in an editable table #2829 x [UI] always show the buy license link inside the UnlockDialog #2834 x [UI] enhanced notifications for OutOfMemoryErrors #2845 x [UI] enabled deletion of multiple table entries #2829 x [UI] open movie/movie set/TV show editor by pressing enter !498 (thx to @acdvorak) x [UI] fixed layout of the movie set filter dialog #2859 x [MediaInfo] upgraded to 24.12 x [FFmpeg] fixed occasional crashes in automatic choosing of generated artwork x [IMDB] fix scraping with "best match" - didn't find anything x [Trakt.tv] Free users get quite limited now - expose more errors to GUI #2844 x [TMDB] allow multiple ABSOLUTE episode groups x [MediaInfo] XML cache file gets removed on other video updates #2855