Mp3tag v3.27 (32/64 bit)

Furthermore, it supports online database lookups from, e.g., Discogs, MusicBrainz or freedb, allowing you to automatically gather proper tags and download cover art for your music library.

You can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words in tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more.



Release Date


Windows 32-Bit Installer

SHA-256 checksum file*


Official Download (Windows)

Mp3tag Logo

Alternative Download (Windows)

OneDrive Download

Windows 64Bit Installer

SHA-256 checksum file*


Official Download (Windows x64)

Mp3tag Logo

Alternative Download (Windows x64)

OneDrive Download

For additional platforms, please visit

Mp3tag v3.27
------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2024-08-08]  REL: VERSION 3.27 (for Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7)
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[2024-07-30]  CHG: reimplemented parsing of TAK files and removed dependency to `tak_deco_lib.dll`.
[2024-07-26]  CHG: addressed CVE-2024-7193 by adding checks for integrity and manual loading of
                   `tak_deco_lib.dll` for handling TAK files to prevent DLL side-loading.
[2024-07-24]  FIX: updating 32-bit MP4 `stco` chunk-offset atoms to 64-bit `co64` chunk-offset atoms
                   if referenced sizes are exceeding the unsigned int 32-bit range. (#65218)
[2024-07-22]  NEW: added support for searching the File List via 'Edit > Find...' and Ctrl+F.
[2024-07-22]  CHG: changed keyboard shortcut for favorite directory to Ctrl+M.
[2024-07-18]  CHG: MP4 files that couldn't be parsed are now listed in the File List with an error
                   description in the Tag column. (#65311)
[2024-07-05]  CHG: updated code-signing certificate.
[2024-07-04]  NEW: added 'Copy as Text...' to File List context menu. (#65135)
[2024-06-24]  FIX: Tag Sources settings dialogs showed resize grip despite not being resizable in
                   some cases. (#65115)
[2024-06-20]  FIX: writing an UTF-8 encoded temporary playlist via the File Explorer shell extension
                   produced wrong 4-byte character encoding for some Unicode characters (requires
                   restart to be updated if shell extension is already installed and currently in
                   use). (#65003)
[2024-06-20]  FIX: Matroska Segment title was not read and removed on updates. (#65083)
[2024-06-19]  CHG: added `TRACK` and `TITLE` to track list at Tag Sources result dialog for releases
                   with only one track. (#65029)
[2024-06-15]  FIX: track list at Tag Sources result dialog didn't list track length for releases
                   with only one track. (#65029)
[2024-06-12]  FIX: UTF-8 encoded cuesheets without BOM were read as ANSI-encoded text. (#64997)
[2024-06-11]  NEW: added support for `©enc` MP4 atom which is mapped to ENCODEDBY. (#64923)
[2024-06-11]  NEW: added support for `sdes` MP4 atom which is mapped to STOREDESCRIPTION.
[2024-06-09]  NEW: added support for Opus in MP4.
[2024-06-09]  NEW: added support for detection of AV1 video tracks in MP4.
[2024-06-09]  CHG: internal changes to parts that are responsible for reading and writing MP4
[2024-06-08]  FIX: runtime error if sort criteria of a file list column used invalid syntax.
[2024-06-07]  FIX: cover preview control at Tag Sources overlapped with cover info and checkbox on
                   some systems. (#64900)
[2024-06-06]  FIX: issues regarding skipped files or inconsistent state when renaming directories
                   via action Format value or 'Convert > Tag - Tag' with `_DIRECTORY`. (#56247,
                   #64890, #64962)
[2024-05-28]  NEW: Discogs Tag Sources: added column with cover dimensions to list of query results.
              LNG: updated Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Corsican, French, Hungarian, Polish,
                   Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian translation.

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