Mp3tag is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files.
It supports batch tag-editing of ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, iTunes MP4, WMA, Vorbis Comments and APE Tags for multiple files at once covering a variety of audio formats.
Furthermore, it supports online database lookups from, e.g., Discogs, MusicBrainz or freedb, allowing you to automatically gather proper tags and download cover art for your music library.
You can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words in tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more.

Release Date
Windows 32-Bit Installer
SHA-256 checksum file*
Official Download (Windows)
Alternative Download (Windows)
Windows 64Bit Installer
SHA-256 checksum file*
Official Download (Windows x64)
Alternative Download (Windows x64)
For additional platforms please visit
------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2022-05-24] REL: VERSION 3.15 (for Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7) ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2022-05-23] FIX: taskbar icon was missing when starting via shell extension in 3rd-party file managers under Windows 11 using Standard installation. (#55645) [2022-05-16] CHG: added support for editing track-specific metadata in tracks list at Tag Sources confirmation dialog. [2022-05-16] CHG: use placeholders for current cover at action Export Cover. (#57307) [2022-05-10] FIX: LAME encoder version wasn't displayed on 64-bit. (#57261) [2022-05-09] FIX: dialog for managing format string or filter expressions had cropped labels in some languages. (#57116) [2022-05-08] NEW: added note if running 32-bit or 64-bit version to about dialog. (#57251) [2022-05-08] FIX: runtime error when restoring previous selection when filtering files on 64-bit. [2022-05-07] FIX: potential data corruption when reading and saving configuration lists, e.g., tag mappings or filter histories on 64-bit (since v3.14e). [2022-05-07] FIX: activating running instance and passing files and folders did not work on 64-bit (since v3.14e). [2022-05-07] FIX: runtime error when adding cover art via context menu of cover window on 64-bit (since v3.14e). (#57226) [2022-05-06] NEW: added support for 64-bit. [2022-04-23] NEW: added option to manage list of format strings at converters 'Tag - Filename', 'Filename - Tag', 'Text file - Tag', and 'Tag - Tag', including named format strings and descriptions for format strings. (#7987, #11024, #49350) [2022-04-14] CHG: extended quick actions to remember previous inputs. (#18395) [2022-04-13] FIX: display of checkmark for moved filter items wasn't updated on move. (#56935) [2022-04-13] FIX: UTF-8 conversion issue when migrating the previous filter history to the new format. (#10011) [2022-04-13] NEW: added option to manage the list of filter expressions, including named filters and descriptions for filters. (#10011, #10635, #12361, #48127, #53842, #55565, #55845, #56935) [2022-04-13] FIX: MusicBrainz tag source issue when parsing joinphrases. (#56991) [2022-04-12] FIX: undoing after multiple tag copy and paste operations undos all operations and not only the last one. (#56941) [2022-04-02] CHG: next sort doesn't invert order in case files were added to the file list. (#56849) [2022-04-02] CHG: added workaround for non-null padding bytes for INFO subchunks in WAV and AIF. (#56892) [2022-04-01] CHG: optimizations regarding memory usage when refreshing a filtered file list. [2022-03-31] FIX: saving cover to local file did not work anymore when importing from Tag Sources (since 3.12c). (#56823, #56924) [2022-03-31] FIX: changing cover properties did not work when auto-saving in some cases. (#56863) [2022-03-30] CHG: display format string syntax errors in preview field of converter Tag - Tag. (#56861) [2022-03-30] LNG: updated Chinese-CN, Corsican, Czech, French, and Hebrew translation.