MKVToolNix is a set of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files under Linux, other Unices and Windows.

v79.0 “Funeral Pyres”
Release Date
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# Version 79.0 "Funeral Pyres" 2023-08-20 ## New features and enhancements * mkvmerge: AV1: added support for reading Dolby Vision from AV1 IVF & OBU streams. Patches by Quietvoid. * mkvmerge: MPEG TS reader: added support for colors in teletext subtitles. Patch by Angela Schmid. * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when adding files the GUI can automatically enable the "forced display" flag for subtitle tracks if the file name contains the word "forced" delimited by certain characters (configurable). This feature is turned on by default. Implements #3586. * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: added the option `--stop-after-video-ends` to the dialog for additional command line options. Implements #3594. * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when adding Blu-ray playlists the dialog allowing the user to select the playlist to add will now show audio & video track properties as well (pixel dimensions for video; sampling frequency, channels for audio). Implements #3597. * MKVToolNix GUI: header editor: in order to reduce confusion with users non that versed in Matroska elements, the naming of the two "language" track properties has been changed: the old element is now titled "Language (obsolete)" & the current, IETF BCP 47 based one is simply called "Language". * MKVToolNix GUI: preferences: you can now use the "delete" key to remove entries from simple list widgets for strings (e.g. the list of recently used destination directories). ## Bug fixes * mkvmerge: DTS reader: if a DTS stream doesn't start with a DTS core but a sub-stream element (EXSS), the reader will now look for a core. If found, it'll start processing from there instead of from the start. This fixes the timestamp calculation if the sampling frequency in the core & in the extensions are different. Fixes #3602. * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the "emphasis" and "stereoscopy" combo-boxes now have a much smaller minimum width, allowing to make the whole "properties" pane much smaller again. Fixes #3581. * MKVToolNix GUI: macOS: when you install the application from the DMG it'll no longer register itself as an alternate handler for its supported file types. It seems like this overrode existing associations, forcing people to change them manually to whatever they wanted them to be. Additionally this forced the associated file to always be shown with an MKVToolNix icon. The GUI's own `.mtxcfg` files will still be registered. Fixes #3588.