MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files.

Release Date
SHA-256 checksum file*
Official Download – Windows Universal installer (32/64 bit)
Alternative Download – Windows Universal installer (32/64 bit)
For additional platforms, please visit

Version 24.11.1, 2024-11-09
x Windows GUI: Fix crashes with some specific OS configurations
x Windows GUI: Fix HTML view not working when launched from Windows Explorer
Version 24.11, 2024-11-07
+ New Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia) translation
+ Update Belarusian translation
+ Windows: Full 64-bit version (thanks to cjee21)
+ Windows: Improved support of High DPI (thanks to cjee21)
+ Windows: Improved support of Dark Theme (thanks to cjee21)
+ Windows: Improved HTML view (thanks to cjee21)
+ Windows: Upgrade file open dialog (thanks to cjee21)
+ Windows: SemiBold monospaced font(thanks to cjee21)
+ I1945, PAC subtitle format support
+ I2130, EXR: support of time code and frame rate
+ MXF: Support of more flavors of ISXD, IAB, Dolby Vision Metadata
+ MXF: Support of all known ULs in MediaTrace output
+ AVC: Improved detection of AVC-Intra
+ TTML: Add Duration_Start_Command/Duration_End_Command
x IMF: Allow XML documents larger than 16 MB
x I2133, TTML: Fix timecode when timeBase is media
x I2110, MXF: Fix wrong Delay field with NDF timecodes
x I2094, MXF: Sony Real Time Metadata: fix timecode drop frame flag
x S1194, Fix random behavior due to uninitialised value
x MPEG-TS: Increase probing at end for getting duration
x PNG: Fix buffer leak
x IAB: Fix bug in IAB channel code mapping
x HTML output: Better escape of HTML strings
x XML output: Fix comment in comment
x MXF: Avoid crash in mxf assets on unsupported audio
x HEVC: Add missing parsing of some multilayer SPS elements
eh, no files compare. will reinstal back 24.05
I don’t get it. Did they remove anything from the tool?
if you pay you can compare. Or run 2 media info’s at same time