Zidoo released a new beta firmware for their model Zidoo .

As always, use it at your own risk!
System 1. Added hourly chime function 2. Added PCM multichannel for Roon playback 3. Added more system languages 4. Fixed the problem that some movies don't display subtitles and tracks 5. Fixed incorrect frame rate display for some movies 6. Fixed occasional problem that weather data is not available 7. Fix the stability of the system Music Player 1. Fixed the incomplete display of music files when browsing music through folders 2. Optimized UPNP music playback function 3. Fixed the problem that music cannot be added into Favorites when playing through folders 4. Optimized the auto-play function when booting 5. Optimized CUE file parsing 6. Optimized garbled code issue of some music information 7. Optimized the stability of online songs playback 8. Fixed the problem that scanned songs cannot be added into Favorites when played through the Media Center. 9. Fixed the problem that songs are not displayed in the Favorites interface occasionally 10. Fixed the problem of incorrect display for song list when entering the device list 11. Fixed the problem that the play queue is not saved occasionally 12. Optimized the song list adding function 13. Optimized playback stability Home Theater 1. Optimized local trailer playback 2. Fixed the problem that local trailers cannot be switched to the next one manually 3. Fixed the problem that the categories are occasionally displayed repeatedly on home screen 4. Optimized network search for posters when there is no poster address in NFO 5. Optimized NFO TV series matching 6. Added the function to delete cache file in memory when clearing data in settings 7. Modified Youtube trailer failure issue 8. Modified the function of sorting actor-related movies by year 9. Added function to refresh metadata for movies and seasons 10. Added separate NFO scanning settings 11. Optimized local image matching for TV series 12. Fixed the occasional problem of not being able to manually change the poster 13. New Web interface and system for Poster Wall

bonjour comment faire pour lire les bandes annonces sur le lecteur zidoo svp
There are newer firmware versions for the entire line of set-top boxes
Thank you for pointing me to this 👍